We are Wes, Elaine, Ada & Silas. We love Jesus and have been called to minister to the Soldiers at US Army Garrison Baumholder, Germany. We run the Festaburg Hospitality House, a ministry of Cadence International.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You know how the fog and moisture off of a creek or river sometimes collects and freezes on the low-hanging tree branches and then they’re all white and pretty? That is how all of Alaska looks lately, every branch is coated in crystallized fog. And it’s beautiful!! The days have been clear and crisp and pretty sunny for all of the 5 hours we get (if you can get out from behind a mountain)
This past weekend we took a short trip to Hatcher’s Pass/ Independence Mine. It is about a 45minute drive to an amazing historical sight. In the winter it is heaven for snowmobilers and snow boarders, it also looks like a hiking wonder and full of berries in the summer! At one point I saw three Moose standing belly-deep in snow (that’s a lot different than me up to my belly in snow) so I didn’t venture off the road, but hope to go back with snowshoes soon!
That little trip spurred an interest in reading about the Alaska/ Klondike Gold Rush from the late 1800’s. I’ll let you know how that goes.
We’re doing well. Keep an eye out for a mail update from us soon.
Happy Christmas
Friday, December 5, 2008
Two pizzas on the way
If this looks like a bunch of trouble and a bunch of fun, you're right. This is a pretty typical Thursday night at our house. We invite a bunch of single folks over to hang out, have dinner/snacks, watch a TV show and play games. Tonight has been a really fun one and I wanted to share it with you all.
Some of the guys played poker, some of us played Scrabble (no, "ve" is not a word), and then there were several games of Skipbo and Uno.
We really have a great time with these guys, getting to know them, where they come from, and where they are in life. And they really seem to hang around a lot (something about not going home alone to a 9x13 GI dorm room).
Pray for good time, and good conversations with these guys and others. We want to really show them Jesus, as Christmas comes our work gets more and more exciting in my opinion!
Thanks for checking up on us!
p.s. would you believe at the point this picture was taken at least 3 guys and 2 girls had already left for the evening. We know how to pack 'em in here!
p.p.s. and the downstairs neighbor who I was worried would be bothered by the noise, actually brought us up a plate of baked goods! Nice girl :)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Let us give thanks
The 1st National Thanksgiving Proclamation , November 1, 1777
By the Continental Congress
FORASMUCH as it is the indispensable duty of all men to adore the superintending Providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with gratitude their obligation to Him for benefits received, and to implore such farther blessings as they stand in need of; and it having pleased Him in His abundant mercy not only to continue to us the innumerable bounties of His common Providence...
IT IS THEREFORE recommended to the legislative or executive powers of these United States, to set apart Thursday, the eighteenth day of December next, for solemn thanksgiving and praise;
THAT with one heart and one voice the good people may express the grateful feelings of their hearts and consecrate themselves to the service of their Divine Benefactor; and that together with their sincere acknowledgments and offerings, they may join the penitent confession of their manifold sins, whereby they had forfeited every favour, and their humble and earnest supplication that it may please God, through the merits of Jesus Christ, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance;
THAT it may please Him graciously to afford His blessing on the government of these states respectively, and prosper the public council of the whole; to inspire our commanders both by land and sea, and all under them, with that wisdom and fortitude which may render them fit instruments, under the Providence of Almighty God, to secure for these United Sates, the greatest of all human blessings, independence and peace.
THAT it may please Him, to prosper the trade and manufactures of the people, and the labour of the husbandman, that our land may yet yield its increase; to take schools and seminaries of education, so necessary for cultivating the principles of true liberty, virtue and piety, under His nurturing land, and to prosper the mEans of religion for the promotion and enlargement of that kingdom which consisteth "in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost."
AND IT IS further recommended, that servile labour, and such recreation as, though at other times innocent, may be unbecoming the purpose of this appointment, be omitted on so solemn an occasion.
By order of Congress
Henry Laurens, President
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And what's behind door # 2 Bob?

When we first got to Alaska we had a car waiting for us. A soldier had donated an older Toyota to the ministry and Dan had designated it for us to use. So immediately we had transportation. About two weeks later the engine went in the car. I had not thought to check all the fluids and subsequently the engine stopped running. Needless to say I learned a valuable lesson. Elaine has repeated her Pappy a few times reminding me, "You can run a car as far as you want without gas but don't take it anywhere without oil." We went ahead and bought a 1995 Honda and since August we have had one nice reliable vehicle. That is until a few weeks ago. Now we have two. A soldier in the ministry came to Dan again and asked if he could donate a Jeep Cherokee to the ministry. Again Dan has designated it to us to use. We are so thankful for this car. It is four-wheel drive (which will be very useful in the deep snow) and is big enough I can pile a few guys in it. This has also freed up Elaine's and my schedule. Now we don't have to be so precise when planning our days. We can have the freedom to go and meet with Soldiers and Airmen whenever we want. This has been a huge blessing tour ministry and we really wanted to share it with all of you.
In Christ,
P.S. Thank you so much Jason & Mary
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We’ve got the Con
Early this morning Dan and Barb with family left for a much needed two week vacation to Florida to visit family. Which means Wes and I are in charge for the next two weeks, including Thanksgiving. Right now I’m juggling names and places on paper for Thanksgiving dinner. Those who will be around are dividing up into smaller groups for dinner, so as not to overwhelm anyone, or any oven. Then we will all get together after our respective football games and naps for an evening as a larger group ☺
I’m glad we are able to be here and provide places for people to go over the holidays. Many of our folks are new here, and don’t have the option of taking leave, and we are so far away from home for most of them. I look forward to learning the Thanksgiving traditions of others, as long as it still includes stuffing and mashed potatoes!
I hope all of our “readers” are doing well. Please let us know if there is any specific way we can be praying for you!
Elaine (& Wes)
P.S. If you haven't noticed I did post two new albums of pictures last week. Check out the links to the right ------>
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Maybe this photo doesn’t look as crazy to those who weren’t there…but it certainly captures the memory. Thirteen of us spent Sunday through Tuesday in a great little cabin way out in the woods on a prayer retreat. Since Tuesday was Veteran’s day most everyone had those two days off. We were near Lake Eklutna at a public use cabin, there’s a nightly charge. It has no running water, no electricity, only a wood stove and a Coleman stove. Wednesday through Saturday the only way to travel the 13 miles between the parking lot and the cabin is on foot or other non-motorized transportation. Snowmobiles and four-wheelers are allowed the other days. So we packed up 5 four-wheelers and lots of food and equipment (chainsaws for fire wood, sleds, snow shoes, extra fuel) and ventured out to our retreat.
I’ll spare you every little detail, but it was full of fun, lots of snow, and several good chunks of time alone to just connect with God. Most of the people who went along were single Airmen, though there were some married people represented too. It has been great to see the growth among our single people here but it is mostly in number. So I ask you to pray for the spiritual maturity, depth, and growth among them as well.
As I look at the picture above I realize that God from the beginning of our existence has been making order out of chaos. He has a plan and a purpose and brings all things together for his glory. I do believe that the only reason one of out diesel ATVs made it back to the parking lot was on prayers and fumes. And yes, that trailer did get back on track, right side up and attached to a vehicle ☺.
God bless your certainly warm weather,
Elaine (& Wes)
p.s. If you are a member of “Facebook” Steven Adams was our faithful photographer throughout the weekend, catching all sorts of embarrassing moments on “film” and he has posted several photos, and even a few videos (one in particular is of me and a lop-sided 4-wheeling adventure)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
...they've never seen the northern lights

Car Care Day
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Much over due
We spent the last 3 days at a small staff conference with Dan and Barb, as well as a couple who runs a Hospitality House at Ft Wainwright in Fairbanks, and our Regional Directors from Oregon. It was a great time to hear a little bit from the “top” of our organization and to learn about Cadence ministries around the world; particularly in Russia and Cambodia. No more word on where we may go from here, but we are pretty sure that we will attend Cadence Candidacy and orientation in January. Then we’ll be “real” missionaries ;)
» The relationships that we are building. We have had great opportunities to talk with guys and girls, both single and married. To listen, offer advice and be the light of Jesus to them.
» Friends, among these relationships are some really great friendships.
» The openness of the Army Battalion Chaplains to work with us.
» Snow safety so far! We have yet to end up in a ditch with our car ☺
Prayer Requests:
» Young Moms. We have two brand new babies, and mommies (daddies too) in our group. Pray for Megan and Cassie as they grow with their babies.
» Deployments. Davis just left for 6 months and left Angie and 9 month old Riley here at home. Pray as Angie spends this time as a single mom, as Riley adjusts to not having daddy around and as Davis is in harms way (he is a TACP) that the Lord would protect them all.
» More Deployments. Most of the Infantry are leaving soon for 6 weeks of training in preparation for another 15 months away. Remember them and their families.
Thanks for your love and support. I’ll try to get a whole album of Alaska pictures posted today (to the right) in lieu of a picture for this post.
Elaine (& Wes)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Army Goes Rolling Along
Good afternoon friends! We have been enjoying Alaska’s “indian summer” through this weekend and even continuing into this week. Please don’t confuse that with warmth, it is not warm. But it sure has been sunny and beautiful. The clear skies have allowed us to see mountains hundreds of miles away for days now!
Our ministry has also enjoyed a steady stream of newcomers as the summer comes to an end. We have been blessed with several regular opportunities on the AF base to make our ministry known and our selves available.
The chaplains at Ft. Richardson have officially extended the “right hand of friendship” to Wes and I, this week we officialized (not really a word) our relationship with the Army community, yay!!! We attended the Sunday morning chapel service on base and met several of the chaplains there. All of the ones we met were supportive and excited about our work with the soldiers.
The road ahead of us will not be simple, going to church—especially the base chapel is not exactly the cool thing to do. There was only one young man there Sunday (but lots of families). So we’ll be seeking out guys and girls that are looking for more than the empty world around them. Pray for those kinds of opportunities, we may start by offering a group Bible study one night in the barracks, we’ll see.
Wes will be teaching at the Hospitality House this Friday. He is beginning a three-week series on the book “More Than a Carpenter” by Josh McDowell (a basic book on Christian Apologetics). Keep that in your prayers as well as our growing relationships with the military folks here!
God Bless,
Elaine (& Wes)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Getting Plugged In and Bundled Up

(The winning team of the photo scavenger hunt, and the one with the best stories from the evening. Yes, that's a police officer)
This past weekend was a great one for getting waist-deep into group activities. The Friday night focus has been in the psalms (particularly Ps 19) and we’ve been discussing our experiences with God in nature. It is a great time of year in Alaska to see it too (of course it’s always a good time of year to see it) and it has been great to see the insights of others.
Saturday night Wes had a guys night. Around 5 p.m. I was kicked out and seven single guys descended upon our two-bedroom apartment, and the “guy things” commenced. This was a great chance for Wes to serve and get to know the single Airmen involved in the ministry (and some new faces as well). The guys watched The Office, ate junk food, played cards and talked about marriage and single life.
Meanwhile the girls also had a night of fun planned. I planned my first-ever “photo scavenger hunt”. It was a blast; the girls split up into three teams and drove around our small town in search of photo treasures, including local firemen and our beloved governor. Those will be posted as they’re made available to me (keep an eye on the links to the right). Afterward we gathered at a coffee shop in town to share stories of the evening and plan seeing everyone’s pictures.
Thanks for your prayers,
Elaine (& Wes)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I (Elaine) have decided that Alaska is my reward for living in the flatland for 4 years. Last weekend we took 14 people, 4 babies, and 2 dogs blueberry picking. It’s a popular activity around here from mid August to mid September. Ours was not a leisurely stroll through the woods but a 1.5 mile trek straight up! Berries grow on mountains. It was a great time to get to know each other better. And it was a great opportunity for families. Often Wes and I find ourselves working with moms and dads and the question of who is going to sit out and watch the kids. So I was really glad that this trip included babies and all! These guys get “cool parents” points for backpacking their kids up the mountain.
This week begins the AF chapel Sunday School program for the fall. All of the different services will be holding their classes on Wednesday evening (something they are calling Sunday On Wednesday). It will include a joint dinner, and several class options. Our ladies’ study on Revelation will continue on this night. And I am considering a second ladies’ study option, more geared toward single girls and those married without kids. Wes will also be leading a men’s class on purity.
I hope you all have received our recent newsletter. If you did not get one, and would like to please let us know so that we can adjust our mailing list accordingly. (Also if you know of someone without internet or e-mail who would like to get our updates and is not, please let us know that too.)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Greener grass on the other side?

Just the other day, as we drove through Anchorage I saw beyond the car ahead of us, a tall furry head. My first thought was that the Amish, complete with horse and buggy, had made it to Alaska. Then I realized that it was just our local moose leisurely crossing the street to munch on the greener foliage. ☺
We are continuing to enjoy this new place we are in, constantly searching for our niche in God’s plan up here. We had the great privilege of spending over 5 hours this week in various situations with the chaplains of both the Army and Air Force. It has been great to meet these men, to learn of their hearts and care for the Soldiers and Airmen trusted to them. Of course the 2 or 3 on one time was the best. We are excited to learn about ministry with the Army. Their chaplaincy structure is quite different than the AF, and it looks like it will provide different kinds of ministry opportunities.
We are still feeling a pull toward the single troops. We’ve met and have begun friendships with several married couples, and love them. But we still long to see the guys and girls in the dorms/barracks get connected to life-enhancing community, through Jesus Christ, the true Life-Giver.
Please pray for our budding relationships with the Chaplains, for the sake of ministry opportunities. And for our interactions with Airmen, Soldiers, and spouses.
Also, we were given a car (a donated beater, but it was free) when we arrived. And it has been a blessing in our first two weeks to be someone independent and able to house-hunt as well as just explore and get around as needed! But this past weekend our search for a second, more reliable car turned into a search for a first car. The Toyota died, and we are currently without a car. Please pray that God will provide the right car, and the wisdom for us to know it. It would still be helpful for us to have two cars, but that will need to be assessed in the budget.
We’re having a great time. Thanks for your calls, e-mails, prayers, etc.
In Christ,
P.S. a “snail-mail” newsletter should be done soon and on it’s way to you with more ministry updates and pictures.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Alaska Rocks!
(A view of the mountain behind Dan and Barb's house)
That's enough about the weather. We have been staying at the Mountain Chapel Hospitality House- that's Dan & Barb Evans' ministry. We have met some of the airmen involved here and I (Elaine) even got to spend lots of quality time this weekend at a women's retreat weekend. I am looking forward to growing more relationships with the people here.
We plan to meet this week with some of the chaplains (both Army and Air Force) to introduce our selves and our hopes for ministry. We are also in the midst of house-hunting and shopping for a good reliable car.
Thanks for all of your prayers and financial support. Among our regular prayer requests we would like to ask you to pray for the AF community here. Yesterday we found out that General Tinsley the Wing commander at Elmendorf died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at his home. We don't know anything more, but that his wife and college-aged daughter were home. Keep this family in your prayers, as well as the people who served with and under him.
We are really excited to be here, and will keep you posted on our work!
Elaine and Wes
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
We almost fell over

- Good transition to Alaska- safe travel, staying with the Evans family, and house hunting.
- Finding a home adequate for our ministry (in size, functionality, cost and location).
- For Wes and I to have patience with each other, and to communicate well.
- The sale of my dear truck "Buster" and my emotional ties to him (ok this one's not quite so serious.)
Friday, July 4, 2008
The Lone Star State

We really enjoyed the opportunity to stop and see friends along the way, crashing on couches and air mattresses, and eating various and copious amounts of good food too!
Thanks to everyone who has hosted us, and to everyone who gave us even a few minutes to share our hearts and our future ministry. The more we talk about our work with Cadence the more we are reminded of how well it has served us, and how excited we are to get back into it!
A point of clarification:
Our assignment to Alaska is for one-year. We're blessed to have the opportunity to work with the Evans family (Cadence Veterans-- but not veterans in the sense that we're veterans). We plan on being involved in their ministry to Elmendorf AFB, as well as having an outreach and presence of our own at Ft Richardson.
At the end of this year, we'll take a look at the needs of Cadence and hopefully head back to Europe (where we were "born" into Cadence).
As you can see below we are taking the long way around to get from Chicago to Alaska. Many of you have asked, "When do you go to Alaska?" And the answer is still undecided. I will remind you that it all depends on our support raising. Cadence won't send us to AK until we have enough money (and 'moral support') raised to sustain our selves and our ministry. I have been continually astounded by the generosity of people, and their willingness to see the work of God carried out, thank you!
We are over half way there. I think we need about $1,500.00 more in monthly contributions, and we have come a long way in the past few weeks!
If you've considered giving in the past, now would be the time. and if you are still working out a giving plan, please let us know what you plan to give as soon as possible. Cadence being the good-hearted people that they are take your word as good as your green, aka we'll get to Alaska sooner on your word than nothing.

Elaine (& Wes)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Happy Hustlers

We spent Sunday afternoon at our camp on a mountain in PA with all these folks, and I'm pretty sure a good time was had by all! Wes and I have been incredibly "welcomed home" and blessed by our friends at the Blanchard Church of Christ. It seems as soon as they are welcoming us though, they are sending us off as well.
I took a rough survey of the people who stayed to hear us speak during Sunday School and found that approximately 95% of them had either been in the military, were related to someone in the military, or knew someone currently in the military (most fell in the first two categories). And I'm reminded that the ministry of Cadence is relevant to a lot of Americans! And most people don't even know it exists.
So, if you know someone in the military, check out www.cadence.org to see if they have a hospitality house ministry in their area. It may provide just the relief needed (if only once a week) from what can't even be called food, but is just left as "chow".
God bless,
Monday, June 16, 2008
Now Available...

That's right folks, for the next few weeks we are yours! Wes and I have arrived safely in central Pennsylvania. We will be here for about two weeks to meet with family, friends, churches, and anyone else interested in our ministry. We will be speaking during the Sunday school hour at the Blanchard Church of Christ next Sunday (that's 9:45).
From here we will be driving to Texas. If you're on the way from PA to TX (or if you can at least convince us that you're on the way) we'd love to stop and see you too!
We plan to arrive in the Ft. Worth area around the 1st of July. We plan to attend Cleburne Bible Church while we're in Texas, and visit Christ Chapel Bible Church in Ft. Worth. For our Texas readers, please contact us if you'd like to get together while we're around.
We will continue to raise support until we have enough to be officially released to the field. Right now we're almost half way to our goal for monthly support. We need partners in ministry to help us get to Alaska and minister to the Soldiers at Ft. Richardson.
In closing let me share a snippet from my reading this morning.
2 Corinthians 2:14-17; 3:4-6
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God...such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
We are able to do this in Him,
Elaine (& Wes)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
So long Chicago!
It is from the floor in the corner of our bare apartment that I greet you! Our things are all packed up, and in fact most of them are on their way to Alaska right now! The rest are piled high in the bed of our truck. Tomorrow we will resemble the "Beverly hillbillies" driving down I-90 on the first leg of our journey from here.
Please check back on Monday for an update regarding our full summer plans and where you can find us. This post is dedicated to our loved ones at Moody and in Chicago!

(Us with Adrian & Heather Holdsworth, a great couple to hang out with if you're ever in Chicago or the UK)
We know that those pictured here, as well as other friends at Moody (yes we have more than 6 friends, some of them aren't even married) will be praying for us as this journey begins. Thank you guys!
Thanks to the folks at LifeWay for being a great place for Wes to work and great people to get to know.
We will miss you all greatly, and we'll be sure to let you know if we're ever passing through again!
A servant of Christ,
p.s. thanks for being blog-readers!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Happy Anniversary to us!!!
For our anniversary we went to Ontario, Canada and spent some time in the Pelee National Park riding mountain bikes and paddling a canoe. It was a great getaway from the city and a nice preparatory act to gain more excitement about our upcoming adventure in Alaska.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Elaine Graduates!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Wes Graduates!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Who do we work with?
Dear friends and blog readers, a few weeks ago I asked some good friends from my military days to tell us a little bit about their experiences with the ministry of Cadence. The following is from my best friend Kari, who was stationed at RAF Lakenheath with me. We met through the Hawkins' Hospitality Ministry (And for some time were the only two girls around).
House Building Missionary, Karpenter Kari, and Cadence
When I think of Cadence, that line pretty much sums up what Cadence did for me, and in turn what I wanted to do for others. I was introduced to Cadence back in 2000, when I had my first assignment to Lakenheath, England. In fact I wasn't even supposed to be in England. I was headed off to Charleston AFB, when I had the opportunity to "swap" assignments and go to England. I didn't know what to think of the opportunity, so not really having ever reached out to God before, I prayed. I prayed that if this England assignment was meant to be it would work out. Boy did it ever!
My first week in England, I was at [the base chapel] and these spunky young airman like myself literally jumped the pews after church to come and talk to me. During our conversation they invited me to Tim & Rebecca Hawkins Hospitality House. I really didn't understand the whole concept of missionaries and even God for that matter, however I was intrigued.
Every week we had a bible study and the bible was very new to me. I had a hard time remembering who everyone in the bible was for instance John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, Simon Peter, John, Jacob, Jingleheimer Schmidt (ok, maybe not the latter) but I couldn't keep them all straight. Each week I was able to get to know all the other single airman better, and it amazed me how much they knew and were willing to share their thoughts and feelings about God. I had never experienced that before. I never had Christian friends before, and I couldn't believe how deep these relationships were growing.
Elaine was my closest accountability partner and we went through a lot of growing pains and praises together. In Elaine and all the other people involved with Cadence I saw their passion for God. I saw what they had, I saw their relationships with God, I saw the joy that God gave them… and I wanted it too. So, I prayed again. What happened after that prayer was amazing. A little spark was lit under me, and I began to see the changes God had in my life. I was so excited for Jesus, I was ready to tell the world! At that moment I became a sponge and soaked up as much information as I could about God. After a few months I understood the bible, my prayer life improved, and everything was so real. I sought out understanding and God was answering my prayers. As I strengthened my knowledge I would get more and more excited about Christ, and when you are excited about God, you can't hold it in! I shared the Good News with everyone, every chance I got!
Cadence brought me new life and I am where I am today spiritually because of the mission. It was my time that was spent with the Cadence family that really helped me to understand God, learn about God, and share what I know about God with others. So much love and attention was shown to me, and my life was truly blessed when I was welcomed into a Cadence home.
Kari and her husband Scott. They were married June 2007
in Syracuse NY and are currently studying at a University in Minnesota.
Kari's is just one of the many stories we could tell you about our experiences with military life. Thanks for reading about my friend, and thanks for making ministry like this possible!
Joined in Christ,
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Semper Gumby
Cadence has given us a second (and in their opinion very promising) option. We have talked with Dan and Barbara Evans, Hospitality House directors near an AF base, and are very excited about this option. Wes and I would be involved in their house ministry, as well as forming ministry of our own with the Soldiers stationed at the neighboring Army post. We hope to build relationships and spend quality time investing in the lives of the guys fighting on the front lines! Details are still being worked out from every direction. There may be a possibility of some financial support from the Army chapel, which I'll explain more if it becomes a reality. As we pray and work through this process we hope that you will pray with us. We are excited for this adventure!
What? You mean I didn't tell you where we are going? Silly me! Fort Richardson, Anchorage, Alaska!!
With love, trading flip-flops for wool socks,
P.S. While I heard "Semper Gumby" there are variations on this motto of "Always Flexible". Check out our friend Brad's recent article in Enoch Magazine "Semper Flexus" on military ministry.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Elaine and I went to the hospital this morning and talked to her sister. They saved her foot and leg! She is in stable condition and talking. We plan to visit her as soon as she is ready to have visitors. We are totally relieved and are praising God for his wonderful grace.
Keep praying for her.
Wes and Elaine
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Appreciating life
Immediately after we heard the initial commotion the store manager yelled, “someone call 911!” my Air Force training kicked into gear. I bolted out the front door to check the girl's vital signs. Her body was extremely contorted up under the truck. Urgency was in my mind. Is she alive? I dropped quickly to my knees…she had a pulse…she wasn’t responding to me…one of her legs is not visible…it’s under the tire. I immediately started barking orders at people. “Jeff, (a co-worker) get the driver to back up he is still on top of her. “ Jeff followed the direction and had the guy move the truck. Next, we needed to get the truck turned off. I yelled at Jeff and he took care of that as well. The girl began to come around to slight consciousness (slight movement). She wasn’t paralyzed. I began to console her. “It will be alright, please just stay still.” I looked down after the truck was moved and realized there was very little left of her lower leg. It looked as if her body stopped the motion of the truck. She was badly, badly injured.
More consciousness. “You will be okay. Look into my eyes. You will be okay, help is on the way.” “Lord, please comfort this girl. Please hold her in your hands.” Minutes passed. More consciousness. She began to move more realizing something bad had happen. She started pushing me away. I heard sirens. “Please stay still. Help is on the way," I pleaded.
“Jeff,” I barked, “grab her purse, get her ID out and ready for the paramedics.” He complied. “You are gonna be okay. Look into my eyes.”
The paramedics arrived in what seemed like a few minutes. They run up and assess the situation and I step back for the first time. I began to quake. My body shook. I staggered over to the curb and crashed. “What just happened?”
I don’t want to depress you. I don’t want to shake you and wake you up to the reality of the fragility of life (although we do need to be reminded). I want you to be thankful to God for the fact we have people who dedicate their lives to the service of us. I have a whole new respect for those who serve and see this kind of stuff all the time. My life is changed from this one incident. Think about theirs.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Friends passing through
One of the best things about living in a big city for a while is you get to see some of your friends who are just passing through. Since most highways lead to big cities and we have two major airports in Chicago the opportunity arises to just hang out with folks you love. This happened a few months ago when our friend Val had a layover for a few hours and last weekend a buddy of mine was close by and came to visit.
Some might know him as "The World Traveler" on myspace.com but I know him as Matt Harris. We had a great time exploring the city together and just hanging out.
Matt, thanks for stopping by and it was great to see you!
Everyone, if you are stopping through Chicago please (PLEASE) let Elaine and I know. We would love to get together with you again.
Wes and Elaine
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Back from Okinawa:

One unique aspect of this community is that it is not composed of one specific branch of service. It is not safe to assume the person you are talking to is in the Air Force, since there are also Army personnel stationed at Kadena, as well as Camp Foster (a Navy base) about two miles away and several other Marine Corps bases locally. This adds a touch of unfamiliarity, since all of these branches operate differently as far as day-to-day operations, deployments and even language go! (Thanks Navy)
Tuesday nights I got the opportunity to be involved with the Women's Bible study, which is currently made up of primarily married women (who are mostly wives of Active Duty). These women are from all walks of life, with all sorts of spiritual backgrounds and levels of maturity. There was also a monthly Prayer Breakfast for women on a Saturday morning. I shared a little this past Saturday about how God has used scripture specifically in my prayer life. It was encouraging also to break up into small groups and pray with these women. I saw their hearts for their families, missions, the Gospel, and their own walks with Christ. They are truly a loving and fun-filled group.
Wednesday nights Mark leads a Bible Study on base at "Project 196", the cafe ministry. It is open to everyone, and provides a good opportunity for unbelievers to come and see what this "Jesus" stuff is all about. They are currently doing an in depth study on 1 Corinthians. The men also have a "Band of Brothers" Prayer breakfast at the Project every other Saturday. Wes was privileged to share with the men some of the ways God has worked in his life too.
Being there for Easter weekend was an added bonus. The usual Friday night Worship service was focused specifically on the cross. It was a contemplative night, as we thought on and prayed about the cross, Jesus atoning work and our indebtedness. Good Friday truly is good, but should be considered with sobriety. Then Sunday was a celebration of the Risen Lord!! We scheduled a barbecue picnic, fun for the kids, and several baptisms in the East China Sea. We held out through the beginning of the rain but ultimately we had rain soaked children with soggy bags of Easter eggs and a 'bug-out' back to the Harbor. Even with the chaos of changing plans it was a great afternoon of celebration with a community joined by their Savior.
We also took a trip further north on the island with two other couples to tour a Pineapple plantation. The northern half of the island contains most of the natural beauty of Okinawa and boy is it beautiful!! It a great time going through the plantation and the winery. We sampled Pineapple ice cream (that is the best!) wines, juices, cookies, chocolate, cakes, dried and fresh fruit, and more...
Time spent with the Oshmans was really good. It was usually laced with young young ladies who are the brightest, cheeriest, most joyful and fun little girls ever! Spending time with Jen and the girls really made me consider things I hadn't really seen yet. What is it like to have babies and raise them in "the field" as missionaries? It was a blessing to see Mark and Jen guard time with their girls, love them, discipline them, and live in the community with them.

I am sure there is more I've missed. But I'll let you chew on this for a while :) Be watching your mail box for a prayer update from us in the near future!
Please pray with us: That God would continue to be glorified through this ministry, and that we (and the Oshman's) would have wisdom in planning the next steps.
As Servants of Jesus,
Elaine and Wes
Sunday, March 16, 2008
One week down, one to go
downtown. Yes, we ate raw fish, sat on the floor and took off our shoes.
Ko-nee-chi-wha from Japan! Elaine and I are enjoying our time in the Pacific. So far we have gotten to see the ministry of Mark and Jennifer Oshman and remember how much we love hospitality ministry.
Life at The Harbor (that is the name of their hospitality house) is very unique and exciting to get to know. So far we have seen the base and the ministry on the base, including a coffee house for young military, the ministry at the Hospitality House including a Friday night worship service and getting to meet several military folks.
Please continue to pray for our trip and that we will see the vision Mark and Jennifer have in ministry. Please pray God completely confirms to both us and the Oshman's that this is the place for us to be over the next year.
Wes and Elaine
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
And we're off ... to JAPAN!!!
Elaine and I hit the open skies tomorrow morning at 11:05 for our first trip to Okinawa, Japan. We are really excited! Our goal is to hit the ground running and experience what life and ministry will be like there in the future (with hopes we return full time by the end of the summer). We do have a few prayer requests and plan on keeping everyone up to speed on what's happening so keep checking our web site www.wesandelaine.com:
- Please pray for our safe travel (we leave tomorrow, Thursday, and get to Okinawa on Saturday and are staying for two weeks)
- Please pray that God reveals to us his plan for our future ministry
- Please pray we can be a blessing to the current ministry the Oshman's are doing
- Please pray in all things the Lord will be glorified by our service
Wes and Elaine Auldridge
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Cheesecake & Cheese Steak
The next time we head to the airport it will be for Japan in March. Please pray we get ahead in our classes and that our trip to Japan goes off without a hitch.
Quick sidenote: Speaking of using airline miles ... my best friend is starting an organization that will allow people to donate their airline miles to missionaries who are in need of tickets. Would you donate? Please vote when you get a chance in our poll over on the right side of the page. I will tell you more about his organization later, so keep checking back with us.
Love, Wes & Elaine
Saturday, February 9, 2008
We recently started watching season seven of the eleven that were filmed. We have come to know these folks, their quirks, struggles, and humor. Yes, I suppose we've made friends with TV characters. Aside from Alan Alda's incredible delivery of sharp wit and compassion for human life there is more that draws me to this show. The stories presented are a great reminder of the reality of military life. As Wes and I look forward to ministry with Cadence I find my self reflecting on my own time in the Air Force along with other military testimonies I've heard. I wonder, how can I prepare to show Jesus to these people and love them well?
The stories are timeless, and all too familiar to the military community: Margaret and Frank's illicit love affair in desperation, Radar's innocence and naivety being chipped away, BJ's letters from home and wondering if he is still needed, Colonel Henry Blake's home movies from his wife, camp movies in the Mess Tent, Cpl. Klinger's charades aiming at a discharge, or an unmentionable struggle with homosexuality, Hawkeye's inventive ways of "escape" and numbness, Col. Potter's exhaustion but dedication, the way they all take off running when the choppers come in, and I could only hope for a Chaplain as great as Father Mulcahy.
There are hard times and struggles specific to a military community--but in reality they are not all that different than the struggles of everyday people. We are all made complete in the Lord, we are all in need of his redemption, regardless of who signs our paycheck. Please join us in praying for our 17 day trip over Spring Break. This will give us a chance to meet the Oshmans, check out Kadena Air Base, get a feel for the ministry, and get to know some of the people over there. We are beginning a long faith-lined journey. I believe that God has specifically prepared Wes and I, and our families for this work. And will continue to equip us for it.
While an Air Base in Japan is not much at all like a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, I'm sure there will be antics, characters, and Three-day passes to Tokyo. I will continue to enjoy a good 30 minute episode here and there, while getting more and more excited about our upcoming trip to the Pacific. I've spoken for myself but you can assume Wes feels the same way!
Grace and Peace,
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Free NIV Audio Bible (MP3)
I have found a new passion for reading the Bible because of this. I will listen and follow along in my NIV Bible. The best part is it is completely free. Anyway, download and share!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Back to School
- Wellness - basically a health class
- Apologetics - the defense or proof of Christianity
- Women in Pain - how to recognize and deal with women in pain
- Senior Seminar - A required class for all Moody Students
- Church Ministries - the basics of ministry
- Fundamental Theological issues - self explanatory
- Daniel/Revelation - it's a basic Bible class
- Methods of Teaching the Bible - self explanatory
Elaine is also looking for a steady job (more than babysitting and cleaning), applying on campus and at the 4 million different Starbucks stores in walking distance. Please be in prayer for the job search and our final semester.
We love you all!
Wes & Elaine
Friday, January 4, 2008
Prayer Cards Sneak Preview
PRAYER = New Year's Need
We need committed prayer partners. Here are some specific issues we could certainly use prayer for:
Japan Spring Break - We will be making our first trip to Japan in March. We pray that God will use this time to confirm that this is the ministry we are supposed to be doing. There will be a lot of preparation for this visit and it will take a lot out of Elaine and I. Please pray we are encouraged and prepared to go.
Graduation is almost here - This semester will be our last semester for our Bachelor’s degree. In May I will graduate from Liberty University with a Bachelor’s of Science in Religion and Elaine will graduate from Moody Bible Institute with a Bachelor’s of Art in Family Ministries. I will be taking 12 hours and Elaine will be taking 10 hours. This with us both working almost full-time jobs and trying to raise ministry partners has the potential to wear us down in only few short months.
This Summer – This time period will really be a transitional period for us. We will be traveling back and forth for a few months to visit with friends and family to finish the last of our financial support raising. Please pray God will provide all the partners we need.
Thank you Lord for your Grace,
Wes & Elaine