Saturday, February 9, 2008


By now many of you know that Wes and I have adopted the folks from M*A*S*H as part of our family. They come streaming into our little living room, far far away from South Korea or a sound stage in LA, almost nightly. (As such the 'writers strike' has had little impact on us and I've strategically begun naming our future pets after the characters.)

We recently started watching season seven of the eleven that were filmed. We have come to know these folks, their quirks, struggles, and humor. Yes, I suppose we've made friends with TV characters. Aside from Alan Alda's incredible delivery of sharp wit and compassion for human life there is more that draws me to this show. The stories presented are a great reminder of the reality of military life. As Wes and I look forward to ministry with Cadence I find my self reflecting on my own time in the Air Force along with other military testimonies I've heard. I wonder, how can I prepare to show Jesus to these people and love them well?

The stories are timeless, and all too familiar to the military community: Margaret and Frank's illicit love affair in desperation, Radar's innocence and naivety being chipped away, BJ's letters from home and wondering if he is still needed, Colonel Henry Blake's home movies from his wife, camp movies in the Mess Tent, Cpl. Klinger's charades aiming at a discharge, or an unmentionable struggle with homosexuality, Hawkeye's inventive ways of "escape" and numbness, Col. Potter's exhaustion but dedication, the way they all take off running when the choppers come in, and I could only hope for a Chaplain as great as Father Mulcahy.

There are hard times and struggles specific to a military community--but in reality they are not all that different than the struggles of everyday people. We are all made complete in the Lord, we are all in need of his redemption, regardless of who signs our paycheck. Please join us in praying for our 17 day trip over Spring Break. This will give us a chance to meet the Oshmans, check out Kadena Air Base, get a feel for the ministry, and get to know some of the people over there. We are beginning a long faith-lined journey. I believe that God has specifically prepared Wes and I, and our families for this work. And will continue to equip us for it.

While an Air Base in Japan is not much at all like a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, I'm sure there will be antics, characters, and Three-day passes to Tokyo. I will continue to enjoy a good 30 minute episode here and there, while getting more and more excited about our upcoming trip to the Pacific.
I've spoken for myself but you can assume Wes feels the same way!

Grace and Peace,


  1. Im happy to know other fellow MASH fans:) Who is your favorite character? I used to be called radar:0 Ill be prayen for you both! I cant wait to here about it.

  2. Eloquent and easily adapted to life. Elaine, great writing and insight. You will make a great Okinawan!

  3. Oh... You and WES will make GREAT Okinawan's!! :)

  4. Yay Laneymay! God speaks to His children in all kinds of ways. Even through M*A*S*H*. Isn't He a fun God! :-)

  5. its so cool to see how God is working in you guy's life! My uncle's dog was named Radar:-) good times good times. Just remember no matter how hard it might be over there,
    keep Wes outta the womens clothing! :-)

  6. Wow Elaine! You have eloquently expressed exactly what I feel when watching M*A*S*H! Sometimes it is just to much for me and I have to turn it off- that can't really be done when you're in the middle of it! Thank you for sharing and I will be in prayer for you both as you go forward. See you around!

  7. Good honest post.

    (this is my small effort to not just be a drive-by blog reader)


  8. Great article Elaine, you are a good writer!! What will you do once you've watched all of MASH?

  9. Yes, Elaine, you are quite a good writer. I truly enjoyed your insight into the lives of all the 'Mash'
    family. I watched all 11 years and I still watch the reruns on Dish. Good Luck on your spring break sojourn. I'm excited for you both.
    HAVE FUN!!!


  10. so, i should have commented sunday when first read this. But alas, i'm glad some other folks got their two cents in. :)

    Honey, you really are so great. I love that you can make M*A*S*H so insightful. I think the producers of the show would well-up with a tear if they read this.


  11. I love MASH. I watched it on my daddy's lap when I was 4 years old..My daddy the ARMY nurse.

    Elaine, that was beautifully written.

    I was missing you today. Please, let's be in touch more often...

