Maybe this photo doesn’t look as crazy to those who weren’t there…but it certainly captures the memory. Thirteen of us spent Sunday through Tuesday in a great little cabin way out in the woods on a prayer retreat. Since Tuesday was Veteran’s day most everyone had those two days off. We were near Lake Eklutna at a public use cabin, there’s a nightly charge. It has no running water, no electricity, only a wood stove and a Coleman stove. Wednesday through Saturday the only way to travel the 13 miles between the parking lot and the cabin is on foot or other non-motorized transportation. Snowmobiles and four-wheelers are allowed the other days. So we packed up 5 four-wheelers and lots of food and equipment (chainsaws for fire wood, sleds, snow shoes, extra fuel) and ventured out to our retreat.
I’ll spare you every little detail, but it was full of fun, lots of snow, and several good chunks of time alone to just connect with God. Most of the people who went along were single Airmen, though there were some married people represented too. It has been great to see the growth among our single people here but it is mostly in number. So I ask you to pray for the spiritual maturity, depth, and growth among them as well.
As I look at the picture above I realize that God from the beginning of our existence has been making order out of chaos. He has a plan and a purpose and brings all things together for his glory. I do believe that the only reason one of out diesel ATVs made it back to the parking lot was on prayers and fumes. And yes, that trailer did get back on track, right side up and attached to a vehicle ☺.
God bless your certainly warm weather,
Elaine (& Wes)
p.s. If you are a member of “Facebook” Steven Adams was our faithful photographer throughout the weekend, catching all sorts of embarrassing moments on “film” and he has posted several photos, and even a few videos (one in particular is of me and a lop-sided 4-wheeling adventure)
& if i'm not a member of facebook?...i still wanna see a lop-sided photo.....it looks like a grand adventure....love & prayers!