It is from the floor in the corner of our bare apartment that I greet you! Our things are all packed up, and in fact most of them are on their way to Alaska right now! The rest are piled high in the bed of our truck. Tomorrow we will resemble the "Beverly hillbillies" driving down I-90 on the first leg of our journey from here.
Please check back on Monday for an update regarding our full summer plans and where you can find us. This post is dedicated to our loved ones at Moody and in Chicago!

(Us with Adrian & Heather Holdsworth, a great couple to hang out with if you're ever in Chicago or the UK)
I have really enjoyed my 3 and a half years at MBI, and feel blessed and greatly prepared for the road ahead of us. I know Wes has enjoyed this chapter of our life as well. We have cherished our"couple friends" this year, each of them are so unique and offer us great, encouraging, and refreshing outlooks on life!
We know that those pictured here, as well as other friends at Moody (yes we have more than 6 friends, some of them aren't even married) will be praying for us as this journey begins. Thank you guys!
Thanks to the folks at LifeWay for being a great place for Wes to work and great people to get to know.
We will miss you all greatly, and we'll be sure to let you know if we're ever passing through again!
A servant of Christ,
p.s. thanks for being blog-readers!
bye bye chicago! It was also a fun place to get to visit... (and your friends were fun to meet!) I am seriously laughing pretty hard thinking about you guys resembling the beverly hillbillies. classic.
ReplyDeleteLove you, see you when you get here in a few hours!
Wes and Elaine... Thanks again for the furniture... I'm really excited to set up house with it! Too bad we never got to have ya'll as neighbors...
ReplyDeleteI hope ya'll have a great trip...keep us updated on everything!
- Lindsey