Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog's Day

Well, if this were Bill Murray's movie, I'd certainly make a little better use of today. But I'm pretty sure I'll wake up tomorrow, and it'll be the day the music died and life will go on.

January was a busy month with Wes & Elaine and the Mountain Chapel Hospitality House. Intern-prospect David was here for three weeks, 'tasting and seeing' the ministry, in hopes of joining the Alaskan team for a longer internship later this year. It was great to have him around, to have another hand in teaching, cooking, and loving people.

We also had a visit from Cadence's Pastoral Care director. Gene came for a week, and met with Wes & Elaine and Dan & Barb to help process and talk through all of the many changes and stresses the recent months have brought. We are thankful to God that we work for an organization who cares so much about us, and our walks with the Lord.

Somewhere in there Wes fell victim to the Alaskan winter and road system. Our beloved Jeep that you may remember from a previous post is no more. Thankfully Wes walked away from this vehicle that rolled off the highway one dark morning with nothing more than a bump on the head and a few scratches.

Wednesday night Wes will begin teaching a new series at the chapel on evangelism, and Elaine will be teaching a series called "Understanding the Bible in 30 Days" which will actually be a 13 week class. We're both excited about these opportunities and the people who attend.

Next week begins our long awaited Australian vacation. We'll be sure to post pictures and stories!

God bless,
Wes & Elaine

1 comment:

  1. Yay for important pop-culture references. And, how did i not know about this intern guy? HOpe it went well. Lets talk soon.

    love you
