Monday, March 5, 2012

Then There's Just Life

Hello friends, Elaine here. Wes asked me to write a blog update, and since he's been working so hard trying to get us caught up on all sorts of communication, its nice to give him a break.
Since we talk about things of substance frequently, I don't feel bad bringing up the weather. Today is beautiful here in Aurora, CO. It's sunny and 65 degrees. It's a great change from our former home, where yesterday the Iditarod commenced, and "spring" is still two full months away. Now, our forecast has snow in store on Wednesday, but that doesn't change today.
Ada and I just returned from a walk to the park where we played on the swings, watched the kids, and slid down the slide. She is not quite walking yet, but I think the park will be much more fun for her once she is.
Yesterday Wes installed a screen door in our kitchen, which otherwise has no windows and is a dark, unpleasant hole. Today it is pleasant.
Our baby prep for Baby Boy is coming along well. We've toured the maternity ward at our chosen hospital, assessed sleeping arrangements for the new addition (they do sleep, right?), realized we were waaaaay more concerned about being prepared for Baby #1 than this one, and helped Grandma make her travel arrangements to come help with the big one and welcome the little one.
One day at a time, things are fairly straight forward here. Eating vegetables, not eating things off the floor, trying to get out and have some fun (I'm looking forward to exploring two fabric boutiques I just discovered, later this week). Thank you sincerely for your prayers and support. And thanks for keeping up with us!

God bless,

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