Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fund Raising Season Approaches

If you visited our blog in the past day or so you may have noticed the "Fund Raising Thermometers" over on the right. I (Wes) recently had a chat with Cadence's HR Director and asked for a tentative breakdown of what it would take to get us back into the European field. After a couple weeks they got back to me with these numbers (see the numbers in the sidebar on the right). They are rounded and tentative (always subject to change) but can give us a good idea of where we currently are and what we need to be released. The best news came yesterday when I was speaking with our ministry mentor and he said the odds of us starting a new ministry are slim. That is huge because the cost difference in very substantial.
So please pray for us as we embark on a new season of ministry. And please partner with us financially if you can. (Click here for more info) We will begin planning our trips to visit as many friends and family after the baby is born in May. We look forward to seeing many of you.

In His Service,
Wes, Elaine & Ada

1 comment:

  1. I like the visuals! It makes an abstract need a little more concrete. Are the start up costs a one time deal?
