Monday, September 14, 2009

Visiting Home, Staying in Alaska

We got to Ft. Worth on a beautiful, sunny, 85 degree day. I basked in the sun, hoping to do the same for the next six days. Texas had other plans. It's been raining, sometimes torrential downpours, ever since. Nonetheless we are really enjoying our time visiting with Wes' family. We had a great time at church yesterday at Cleburne Bible Church, their new building is huge, but the people were still great and friendly, and David's sermon was a good one. Tonight we will attend the missions board meeting and fill them in on the past year.

We spent last week in Pennsylvania, also having a great visit with my family. It was great to be in PA at such a beautiful time of year. Grandma and most of my Aunts and their families were able to come up for Labor Day weekend, and that was a really fun family time. Then we spent Monday out on the mountain... making Reuben mountain pies mmmm :). It was great to visit Blanchard Church of Christ too. We were glad to check-in and see smiling faces! (Even if the fire alarm was pulled in the middle of our talk with the second service.)

Thursday of this week we will head back to Alaska (luckily on a direct flight). We have officially decided to stay in Alaska, for at least another year, really as long as we are needed for our community, and our friends. We will be moving into a new house this weekend. God has provided for that amazingly! We'll also need to re-accumulate some furniture and other things we sold in preparation to move to England.

Barb is doing well. She is at home working on gaining strength to begin chemo this week. I can't wait to get home and see her, with all the progress she has made! Please continue to pray for her and her family.

God bless,
Elaine (and Wes)

1 comment:

  1. This sounds amazing. I'm sorry Texas weather wasn't better for you two but we sure loved the rain. i love you lots, sweet girl!
