Thursday, August 20, 2009

Continued Prayer

Dear Friends,

Life's surprises never cease to surprise me, go figure. Yesterday our friend and co-worker Barb went in for surgery to remove the tumor in her brain. The doctor discovered that our hopes for a benign tumor would not prevail, she has a very aggressive form of cancer, called a "Glioblastoma multiforme".
We spent 10 or 11 hours at the hospital yesterday, and were able to be there as Dan talked to the doctor about some immediate treatment. This will also require Chemo and Radiation therapy.

Please pray for this family. For her husband Dan, their children Caleb (10) and Audrey (5) and Barb's sister Carolyn who flew up for the surgery. Pray for their comfort and hope in Jesus, individually in their own ways, and as a family.
Also pray for the community here. This hits everyone in different ways, and is an opportunity for us to help others turn to God in difficult times.

I know almost no details on most of the future. I do know that we love this community, and have loved serving them here. We will be staying in Alaska as long as needed. which means our anticipated move to England has been delayed. And likely our planned trips home to PA and TX will change some too.

Pray for us to roll with sudden change, to be strong and supportive, but also to be resting in God's will for all of this.

Again if you would like to follow updates from Dan to know how to specifically pray you can view their public Twitter page at anytime:


1 comment:

  1. Wes and Elaine,
    I have recently began reading about your ministry and praying for you both. I am so sorry to hear of Barb's diagnosis-but don't loose heart there is hope. I will be praying with y'all. I know you are disappointed your plans to go to England are delayed. I have a verse I call my "moving verse" Acts 17:26-27. It has got me through a lot. I hope it encourages you too. Enjoy your trip to PA. My daughter got married last year and that is where she lives now! God Bless you both. I love you and will be praying. Keep us the great work. I am sure the Lord is using you in His mighty way there in Alaska!
    Amy Roberts
