Merry Christmas!!
Dear friends, we are off visiting family for the holidays. Texas for Christmas, and Pennsylvania for New Year's. We hope to meet up with some of you if possible.
Take some time this week, and remember something other than your wish list, to do list, shopping list, or any other list. And remember that Jesus is truly the reason we celebrate. Maybe we should all try to remember what "celebrate" means! Don't just ignore Santa and the presents. But truly rejoice in the grace and redemption available to us through Christ, as we journey back to our Father in heaven!! God actually came to earth in the most humble way, 2000 years ago!
Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!
~Wes & Elaine
We are Wes, Elaine, Ada & Silas. We love Jesus and have been called to minister to the Soldiers at US Army Garrison Baumholder, Germany. We run the Festaburg Hospitality House, a ministry of Cadence International.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
It's a girl!!!
Monday, December 3, 2007
We have an assignment...
Okinawa, Japan!
As we've waited for news from the Cadence home office, we've speculated about places in Europe and the States. So the news came as an unexpected shock but after we had time to sit and contemplate it we became really excited. We will be working with the Oshman Family (Mark, Jen, Zoe, Abby Grace, & Hannah). There is more information about them in the sidebar (the column on the right of the screen) so check them out. Elaine and I spoke with Mark for about two hours the other night and were really encouraged by what they are doing to serve the US military there.
The next step is a two week trip in March to meet the Oshman's (and their ministry at "The Harbor") face to face and to make sure we are a good match. We then hope we can head back to Japan at the end of next summer. As I learn more about the ministry and what we will be doing we will keep everyone up to date.
The next step is a two week trip in March to meet the Oshman's (and their ministry at "The Harbor") face to face and to make sure we are a good match. We then hope we can head back to Japan at the end of next summer. As I learn more about the ministry and what we will be doing we will keep everyone up to date.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Six months yesterday

It is hard to believe but yesterday Elaine and I celebrated our six "month-iversary." We can't believe we are half way through the "hardest year" of marriage. Thank you for all your prayers and support. It is an honor to have such great friends and family.
- Wes (& Elaine)
By the way: We celebrated by putting up our Christmas tree and decorating our house for Christmas. Check back in a few days to see our decorations (which included the Chicago Skyline).
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Turkey Day
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
It's been a year
(From: Wes)
It is hard to believe it has been a year since I have put on my military uniform. Nov. 18, 2006 marked the end of my enlistment in the Air Force and the beginning of my work full time with Cadence International. Many of you have helped me over the past year as I made this transition. I can not thank you enough for the few dollars here and there as well as the countless prayers. You were such a blessing to me and now to us. I sent the following letter to those committed to regularly supported me financially over the last year. Now that Elaine and I gear up to head back out into the mission field next summer I want you all to see the impact everyone has had on my (and now our) life.
Nov. 18, 2007 - One Year Today
To my financial supports,
I just want to start off by thanking you for all the dedication you have shown me over the past year! November 18 marks one year since I separated from the Air Force and began my work with Cadence International. If it weren't for you I would not have been able to do the ministry God has called me into. I am so thankful that I can hardly express it in words!
When I began asking for financial support from my friends and family I didn't realize what an impact it would have on my life. The graciousness you have shown me has been unfathomable. I originally asked for financial support while I fulfilled my one-year commitment to Cadence International. As that year has passed I can look back and see how God has used you and I as a team to reach people for his Kingdom. From the long talks with various Airmen about very serious problems and struggles, to raising over $7,000 in my community in England to donate to an orphanage in Romania, I have been part of a glorious Biblical community that has changed my life.
As you know I didn't necessarily complete what I had initially started out to do. I had planned on staying in England for a year working with Tim and Rebecca Hawkins in their Hospitality ministry. When I came home in May 2005 to begin raising money to do all of this I had not yet met Elaine. So my original plan was to spend the following year alone ministering to those who are serving in England. As God would have it my plans changed as he graced me with my companion who is now my wife and partner in ministry. I had no idea when this all started that God would bless me in such an incredible way.
So as you know I left the field early this year to marry Elaine (May 26, 2007). When you made your commitment to me most of you had no idea that you would end up supporting my new family. Elaine and I both are so blessed by you.
But God was not done. God still allowed me to serve those in the military the only difference is the change in my location. I now work with Sailors at Great Lakes Naval Station and support Cadence from my apartment in Chicago. I also got to add a very important aspect to my life—a proper education. God has put me in the right place to supply my mind with good Biblical doctrine to share with people for the rest of my life. I am amazed how my mind has changed and how open I am to learning and growing. I am not the same person I was a year ago. This journey is just beginning and I can't wait to see where God sends us next!
As for our partnership I want you to know that it doesn't have to end. I still need committed supporters to help Elaine and I over the next few months work with Cadence and finish our degrees. We plan to hit the ground running after next May and pursue full time ministry. Cadence is working hard to find an assignment for us and we are praying that God will lead us.
Please pray for us and continue supporting us however you can. We both appreciate your commitment to us and look forward to sharing our lives with you. Please remember that our partnership will be used to the glory of the Kingdom of God. I think the Apostle Paul said it best, "May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you."
Wes and Elaine Auldridge
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Mobilization Preparation

As Elaine has mentioned we have started talking with Rick Scott, Cadence International Mobilization and Training Director, about possible assignments after we both graduate in May 2008. We are really excited to see where God leads us and excited to be working with our favorite mission Cadence International.
So far Rick and I have talked about possible locations (which include overseas and stateside), which Elaine and I are still hoping to go overseas. This is such an exciting time for us as we together step out on faith.
Here is what we need from you today: PRAYERS.
Please pray:
• We can be placed in a location that suits us
• That financial support begins to come in (Especially regular monthly supporters)
• That we are lead by the Holy Spirit
• That we are gracious with God however he chooses to use us
We should have a location narrowed down by December and will begin to share our vision with you all. Thanks again for all the support from everyone.
With love,
Wes (& Elaine)
P.S. Just a little reminder of where we live for now! ;-) In case you want to come visit!
Monday, October 8, 2007
A Visit from Cadence
While it feels more like August lately, it's hard to imagine it really is October! And that means we're well into the school year and keeping quite busy! This week is Moody's annual Missions Conference. It's an exciting time for Moody students. Classes are canceled and we have a week full of seminars and 'lectures' from dozens of different missions organizations around the world!
The folks representing Cadence International came a week early this year, and it was great to have them here (Wes and I largely played the role of 'host & hostess') The picture here is of Deedra Bingham and Rick Scott with Wes and me. We're sitting in front of the display that they set up at colleges and conferences -- which really helps distinguish their desire and passion for military ministry :)
We had several good conversations with Rick and Deedra, it was really good to just be able to listen to and share stories with folks that have 'been there, done that". We were also reminded how much we really do love the ministry that Cadence does.
We are praying and moving forward with pursuing a future with Cadence, and Cadence is doing the same. This is something that Wes and I really feel we are gifted for, and already love to do.
Bottom line: The ministry of Tim and Rebecca Hawkins' Hospitality House greatly affected each of our lives, and our desire to do full-time ministry of a similar sort!
Please pray with us as we seek God's plan for our future and where we can best serve him. Pray for the courage to go where he sends us, the patience to wait for his timing, and the humility to rely on Him.
Grace & Peace,
Elaine (& Wes)
The folks representing Cadence International came a week early this year, and it was great to have them here (Wes and I largely played the role of 'host & hostess') The picture here is of Deedra Bingham and Rick Scott with Wes and me. We're sitting in front of the display that they set up at colleges and conferences -- which really helps distinguish their desire and passion for military ministry :)
We had several good conversations with Rick and Deedra, it was really good to just be able to listen to and share stories with folks that have 'been there, done that". We were also reminded how much we really do love the ministry that Cadence does.
We are praying and moving forward with pursuing a future with Cadence, and Cadence is doing the same. This is something that Wes and I really feel we are gifted for, and already love to do.
Bottom line: The ministry of Tim and Rebecca Hawkins' Hospitality House greatly affected each of our lives, and our desire to do full-time ministry of a similar sort!
Please pray with us as we seek God's plan for our future and where we can best serve him. Pray for the courage to go where he sends us, the patience to wait for his timing, and the humility to rely on Him.
Grace & Peace,
Elaine (& Wes)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Information Dissemination
I haven't really been able to figure out how I want to get information out about what is going on in Elaine's and my life. I finally decided that Blogger was the way to go. It is easy, simple and effective. (I really should get paid for this!) Anyway, for the past few weeks I have been working for Megan Evens at Cadence's home office. She has had me working on simplifying Blogger for missionaries in the field. I have been working on creating a site that is easy to use as well as writing operating instructions for all the missionaries who plan on using it. Needless to say I sold myself on the idea. Elaine and I will try our best to give out weekly updates so keep your eyes on the lookout for more information.
As far as this week goes please pray that we transition really well into the new school year. Elaine is starting her 16 hours and I am starting my first Moody class -- Church History -- this week. I am also taking Theology 202. (I just finished Theology 201 and got an A.) Pray we stay focused and still make plenty of time for one another.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Elaine's turn...

(Originally posted on our Web Site)
Yes, this is and yes, Wes does make most of the updates on here for now. But this site really is meant to give you a look into our lives. So I figured I should speak up and post a little blurb in here too.
Summer in Chicago has been fun, and marriage a big adjustment. Most of what I’ve been up to involves domesticity, which I happen to like very much. I’ve made pie and cheesecake, several batches of cookies and strawberry shortcake, zucchini bread and one amazing fruit tart with berries from the Saturday Farmer’s Market. I also have plenty of time to read and sew (which won’t be the case in a couple of short weeks).
My internship through this school year will actually be on campus with the Residence Life department. I will be responsible for “Journey Together” which is a mentoring program for undergraduate women. We will pair students desiring a mentor with women of the MBI faculty, staff, and alumni (we have several branches of the institute other than the school, like publishing and broadcasting) who desire to spend time with a student in various mentoring relationships. More on this once the semester starts.
As far as regular occupation goes I’ve been baby-sitting once or twice a week for a nice little boy named Bennett. And I have started visiting an older woman named Judy to help with basic computer skills. She is in pretty poor health and needs quite a bit of help around the house. One good thing about college in the city: plenty of odd-job opportunities for the irregular schedule!
That’s all for now!
A Week in the Life of Wes

To make sure my friends and family feel they are completely in the loop on my life, here is a heads-up on what my life consists of each week.
8 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Sailors for Christ
(Currently I am leading various Foundational Ministry Courses to new Sailor Recruits at Great Lakes Naval Station for Campus Crusade. Cadence is lending me to SFC.)
3 to 7 p.m. - Cadence International Design and Media
(Yep, I am still working as a Cadence Missionary. I am doing research to find ways to make it easy for missionaries to communicate with their supporters via the internet.)
8 to 10 a.m. - Theology 202
(This is a my second Theology Class I am taking through Liberty University)
10 a.m. to Noon - Cadence Design and Media
2 to 7 p.m. - LifeWay Christian Store
(I work a cash register and stock shelves. And yes I do get a discount on books!)
8 to 10 a.m. - Theology 202
10 a.m. to Noon - Cadence Design and Media
2 to 7 p.m. - LifeWay Christian Store
8 to 10 a.m. - Theology 202
2 to 7 p.m. - LifeWay Christian Store
(This will change to an earlier shift on Aug. 29 when I begin my Church History Class through Moody Bible Institute. I will have 12 hours left until I receive my Bachelor’s Degree at the end of this semester!)
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. - LifeWay Christian Store
3:30 to 10 p.m. - Sailors for Christ
Day Off/Day of Rest/Sabbath/Breath of Fresh Air
8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. - LifeWay Christian Store
So as you can see I am a busy boy. Please pray I don’t get too stressed out and that God, Elaine and School are my top priorities. Also pray I keep them in that order.
Please e-mail me when you get a chance.
August 2007 Newsletter

In May I left England for good (at least for a while) and headed back to the States. The Cadence Hospitality House was a wonderful experience and I miss all my friends and family over there. Leaving was one of the hardest things I had to do in my life but I definitely made the right choice.
On May 26, 2007 Elaine and I were married in Pennsylvania and went on our Honeymoon Cruise in the Caribbean. We then headed to Chicago and have been here since.
I hit the ground running. When I got to Chicago I began looking for some part-time work. I applied at a few places but the first to call me back was LifeWay Christian Store on the Moody Campus. (Elaine is a Moody Bible Institute Senior). So I have been working for LifeWay for about a month and a half now and love it. I work with some great folks and have a flexible schedule - which I need. Other things going on are -- Marriage/Cadence/School.
Marriage is amazing but no one told me it would be this much work (wink, wink). We love it and are already starting some good habits, like an evening devotional. Please pray for our marriage. We are so excited about our future but we understand we are only in the beginning. We know it’s going to be a lot of work.
Cadence has been absolutely amazing with my transition from England. Here is what I am doing: I am working with the new Recruits at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center north of Chicago. This is an amazing ministry and I will write more about what we are actually doing throughout the week. I can tell you this, this is a group of young people who are ripe to hear the Gospel. Please pray that God will use us to minister to the new Recruits, especially at this unique period of their lives.
I am also working for the design and media department of Cadence’s Home Office. Right now my supervisor is having me do research. Hopefully I will be finding new and creative ways for missionaries to communicate to all of their supporters. Please pray that I will find patience with working and learning. Technology moves fast and staying up to speed with what’s new can be a little complicated and frustrating.
Finally, I am taking classes and trying to finish my Bachelor's of Science in Religion by next summer. Elaine is graduating in May and I would like to have mine about the same time. Please pray I will stay focused and learn as much as possible. I am currently taking my first Theology course and loving it. God is really teaching me a lot and I can’t wait to teach others what I am learning.
Elaine will be doing an internship with the Residence Life department at MBI, primarily working on a mentoring program for female undergraduate students. There is a high demand for a program like this on campus and it provides exciting opportunity to minister to students.
Our life is really busy and we can certainly continue to use all of your support. I am still a Cadence missionary so to all of my financial supporters please continue to support us if you can. We are currently looking towards the future after graduation. The title “Missionary” is really sticking with us so now we have to figure out where to go. We are willing to go where the Lord sends us.
Thanks for reading and please continue to keep us in your prayers.
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