Monday, October 8, 2007

A Visit from Cadence

While it feels more like August lately, it's hard to imagine it really is October! And that means we're well into the school year and keeping quite busy! This week is Moody's annual Missions Conference. It's an exciting time for Moody students. Classes are canceled and we have a week full of seminars and 'lectures' from dozens of different missions organizations around the world!
The folks representing Cadence International came a week early this year, and it was great to have them here (Wes and I largely played the role of 'host & hostess') The picture here is of Deedra Bingham and Rick Scott with Wes and me. We're sitting in front of the display that they set up at colleges and conferences -- which really helps distinguish their desire and passion for military ministry :)
We had several good conversations with Rick and Deedra, it was really good to just be able to listen to and share stories with folks that have 'been there, done that". We were also reminded how much we really do love the ministry that Cadence does.
We are praying and moving forward with pursuing a future with Cadence, and Cadence is doing the same. This is something that Wes and I really feel we are gifted for, and already love to do.
Bottom line: The ministry of Tim and Rebecca Hawkins' Hospitality House greatly affected each of our lives, and our desire to do full-time ministry of a similar sort!

Please pray with us as we seek God's plan for our future and where we can best serve him. Pray for the courage to go where he sends us, the patience to wait for his timing, and the humility to rely on Him.

Grace & Peace,
Elaine (& Wes)


  1. yay you guys and Cadence. :) Hope Missions Week goes well!

  2. i will pray for your success...but will want you closer to home....keep up the good work

  3. Hope everythings going well for yall! Talk to you soon.
