(Originally posted on our Web Site)
Yes, this is WesAuldridge.com and yes, Wes does make most of the updates on here for now. But this site really is meant to give you a look into our lives. So I figured I should speak up and post a little blurb in here too.
Summer in Chicago has been fun, and marriage a big adjustment. Most of what I’ve been up to involves domesticity, which I happen to like very much. I’ve made pie and cheesecake, several batches of cookies and strawberry shortcake, zucchini bread and one amazing fruit tart with berries from the Saturday Farmer’s Market. I also have plenty of time to read and sew (which won’t be the case in a couple of short weeks).
My internship through this school year will actually be on campus with the Residence Life department. I will be responsible for “Journey Together” which is a mentoring program for undergraduate women. We will pair students desiring a mentor with women of the MBI faculty, staff, and alumni (we have several branches of the institute other than the school, like publishing and broadcasting) who desire to spend time with a student in various mentoring relationships. More on this once the semester starts.
As far as regular occupation goes I’ve been baby-sitting once or twice a week for a nice little boy named Bennett. And I have started visiting an older woman named Judy to help with basic computer skills. She is in pretty poor health and needs quite a bit of help around the house. One good thing about college in the city: plenty of odd-job opportunities for the irregular schedule!
That’s all for now!
This may seem very random, but I think it's pretty cool! My name is Elaine and I just married a Wes! We are committed Christians also. We got married on 9/1/07. My boss was searching for our wedding website, and came across your blog. So I thought I would drop a note to share the coincidence. Congrats on your recent marriage. Many blessings to you!