Alaskans are pretty much always doing one of two things: preparing for snow or preparing for salmon. Upon our return from the Cadence Staff Conference (more on that in a minute), fishing and dip netting season were in full swing. Dan took a camper, four-wheeler, and about 6 large dip nets 3 hours south to the Kenai Peninsula- the salmon hot spot. He spent about 10 days down there fishing with family and acting as a "base camp" and guide for any of our ministry folks who wanted to fish. Quite a few small groups joined him over the 10 days, most of them learning to dip net for the first time. We spent 2 days there last week, and caught 4 salmon and 1 flounder (not an impressive number, but enough to make it fun for me).
At the beginning of July we went to Green Lake, WI for a week with all of the Cadence staff from abound the world. This conference is planned every 10 years and is quite a treat! It felt like the perfect cross between a great family reunion and summer camp. It was a very encouraging time as we saw old friends and met tons of other Cadence missionaries. One of the biggest things that I learned to appreciate about our mission over this week is the multi-generational aspect of Cadence. Every age group was represented there, every one. We are a young family expecting our first child, and we met a couple who run a Hospitality House in Hawaii who have been ministering with Cadence for 50 years! Can you believe that?!
I could go on and on about the conference, our time catching up with our mentors the Hawkins, visiting with mission leadership, or the perfect weather in Wisconsin. Thank you, as friends and supporters, for making that time possible this summer.
Our regular ministry is going well here. For the summer we joined our singles and married groups back up for joint meetings on Friday nights. That has been good, but this week we're back in our home and back to two nights a week.
Please be praying as we look at plans for the fall. It would be a good time for Wes to begin a longer teaching series, we also have the opportunity to lead Wednesday "sunday school" classes again this fall. Pray for direction in those.

Cadence Conference 2010
(L to R: Emma Hawkins, Me, Andrew Hawkins, Wes, Rebecca Hawkins, Tim Hawkins, Kathy Fischer, Steve Fischer)
(L to R: Emma Hawkins, Me, Andrew Hawkins, Wes, Rebecca Hawkins, Tim Hawkins, Kathy Fischer, Steve Fischer)
-Elaine (& Wes)
p.s. We're at 19 weeks and 1 day in my pregnancy and doing well! We'll find out this Friday if it's a He or She! :)
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