We spent Sunday afternoon at our camp on a mountain in PA with all these folks, and I'm pretty sure a good time was had by all! Wes and I have been incredibly "welcomed home" and blessed by our friends at the Blanchard Church of Christ. It seems as soon as they are welcoming us though, they are sending us off as well.
I took a rough survey of the people who stayed to hear us speak during Sunday School and found that approximately 95% of them had either been in the military, were related to someone in the military, or knew someone currently in the military (most fell in the first two categories). And I'm reminded that the ministry of Cadence is relevant to a lot of Americans! And most people don't even know it exists.
So, if you know someone in the military, check out www.cadence.org to see if they have a hospitality house ministry in their area. It may provide just the relief needed (if only once a week) from what can't even be called food, but is just left as "chow".
God bless,