Monday, September 17, 2012


Patience is a funny thing. The moment I decided to sit down and write this blog Silas began to cry. All I want to do is write and he keeps crying. Ada on the other hand, has been lying in bed for over an hour singing to herself. My kids both need naps. Not for their sanity alone but for mine as well.
As Silas continues to cry I begin to get more frustrated. How long until Elaine gets back from the store? Why won't he take his pacifier? Will she ever fall asleep?
...and the cycle continues. What's funny about all this is that it is on top of what I am already feeling about life. How long will we be in Texas? When can we get to Germany? How in the world are we going to get the money raised to go? It all adds up. I become more frustrated and less patient.
A few days ago I was hit once again by the grace and truth 2X4. It happens from time to time. This time I was reminded that life is not all about whats going to happen next. It's about right now. God (due to his nature of being outside of time) is never concerned with the future. He is concerned about our now. The Lord desires prayer without ceasing. That is not future prayer that is prayer now. He desires we rejoice in him always. That is not future rejoicing it is rejoicing now. Wait, maybe that is some kind of secret to life. We should never primarily focus on what's next but what happening now. My kids are growing up, now. My wife deserves to be loved, now. My God has a ministry for us right here, right now. Our hearts may long to return to the field and that's ok as long as that is not our sole focus in life, but there is life to be living here and now.
I'm sure I connect with many of you about our constant struggle to be present in the present. Please pray for us as we try to do a better job of abiding in Christ now.

Missionary in Texas for Now