Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wes' Sister Nicole

3 Weeks ago Wes' older sister Nicole was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. This was the day that Barb passed away. Sometimes it feels like a relay race with cancer, passing the baton.

Bill, Nicole and two of their four children came to visit us last month. We had a fantastic week showing them Alaska and enjoying our kids. It has been a long time since Wes has spent that much time with Nicole, and a first for Elaine. While they were here Nicole gave us a heads-up that she was getting a lump check out after their visit. After a series of tests and doctor's visits they have decided on surgery to remove both of her breasts. Today (Tuesday) is her surgery. During the surgery they will check her lymph nodes to see if the cancer has spread. She'll spend a couple days in the hospital then be home with her family.

Please pray for the surgery, the doctors, her family, and us so far away. I have hope that medicine related to Breast Cancer is really sophisticated, and God will use it. We praise him for the testimony of faithfulness he has already given to Bill and Nicole. I know he will continue to use this for His glory!

Thanks for your prayers,
Wes & Elaine

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Barbara Jean Evans ~ Feb 13, 1969 - Mar 7, 2011

Yesterday our dear friend and co-worker ended her year and half long struggle with Brain Cancer. Her family and our community are in the middle of the grieving process. We will honor her life and ministry with a memorial service Thursday at our base Chapel.
Please continue to be in prayer for her husband, Dan and their children Caleb & Audrey. They will travel to Chicago for another memorial this weekend at the church where Barb grew up, was married, and her parents still attend.
Pray for those in our community who have known Barb for either 5 years or 5 months. Everyone deals with loss and death differently and we want to be able to help each of them in this process.
Pray for Wes and I as this is a challenging journey. We are glad to know that Barb is in Glory with Jesus, in a body that will never know cancer. We are relieved that her suffering is done. Wes is being a strong support for Dan in this time, and needs continued physical and emotional strength.

The Lord's timing is good. I (Elaine w/ Ada) will travel to PA Thursday after the memorial service to begin the festivities for my sister's wedding. Wes will join us next week. I am beyond thankful that God allowed me to remain in Alaska for this time with the Evans'.

Death is swallowed up in victory!
Elaine (& Wes)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No more excuses...

Ada bundled up for her first outdoor outing, the "Outhouse Races" at Fur Rondy,
the festival leading up to the Iditarod.

Hello friends! The past two months have flown by! Things are busy in absolutely every category of life. So, I'll try to do a quick overview:

Family: Sweet Ada is 8 weeks old now. She's of course growing like a weed. She loves to wiggle, smile, and cuddle. She enjoys having her diaper changed, and loves the bath! She checked in this morining at 10 pounds 10 ounces and 22.5 inches!
Wes and I are enjoying parenthood, and our little family. We've escaped for a couple dates, and plan on continuing our weekly "date night".

Ministry: We are once again hosting Hospitality House in our home, after a "maternity leave" break. Our Married group is large. They love and serve one another so well. There are some marriages going through some dark and hurting times, that would greatly benefit from your prayers. Our singles group is small, and going through a transition. We are in need of leaders to come from within the group, and we have none right now. I'm praying for a soldier or airman with a heart for his or her peers to join us!

Teammates: Dan and Barb's road has turned from rough pavement to gravel. They are nearing the point where Dan says goodbye and Barb continues on through the gate that leads to streets of gold. We expect to give her to Jesus in the coming weeks. She is finally ready. Ready to get a new body where all of her limbs work and with her whole being she praises the Lord. Pray for Caleb and Audrey as they hurt, and grow through losing mom.

Plans: The Lord knows the plans he has made for us. He will direct our steps. If he wills it we will wake up in Alaska tomorrow. These are our plans.

Thanks for checking in on us!

Daddy & Ada taking care of business.

Mommy & Ada enjoying the sunshine.

Elaine (, Wes & Ada)