Sunday, January 9, 2011

Our Daughter

Please Welcome Adelaide "Ada" Jean Auldridge to the team!!

Just a quick post to let the world know that Ada was born on Jan 4th at 11:32 pm. She weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 19.5" long.
We are all home and doing well, getting adjusted to a new, wonderful life!
Elaine's mom was here for 10 days (waiting with us on the late arival of this precious girl) and left yesterday. Tonight Wes' mother arrives for a week, followed by visits from Elaine's sister, Wes' dad, and his sister & family.
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. We are truly more thankful for Ada than we ever could have imagined.
We have started a new and amazing journey.

Praise God from whom All Blessings flow!
Wes, Elaine & Ada