I want to start by apologizing for the lack of updates in the last month or so. I (Wes) have had some much needed down time and took a few weeks to rest and recuperate. Many of you know I have struggled with depression for many years and in the past eight months life's junk has been piling up more than usual. The laundry list is rough: Barb's cancer, two miscarriages, my step-mom leaving my dad, people in the ministry getting hurt during our events and on-and-on. I am a strong extrovert and in the last few months I didn't want to be around people at all. So I rested. I read. I watched movies. I spent a lot of time alone. I prayed. I sought God and counsel from friends and counsellors. And I needed it.
I am back working now and fell a lot better. I am learning that I must take care of myself. No one is going to do my walk with Christ for me so I better take care of that relationship first. Anyway, for those who have been praying for me thank you. For those of you who want to pray for me please do. The biggest request right now for me and my whole family would be for my step-mom to forgive my dad and for their relationship to be restored. It would be an amazing act of Godly restoration to see that.
Thank you to all who support us and we praise God for all of you.
Wes (& Elaine)