Joy to the World!
Two consecutive years are enough to call it a tradition, right? Our Christmas celebration came and went this year before we even knew it! Throughout the 24th-25th we had around 50 people in some combination of Christmas eve sleepover, sticky bun breakfast, broom ball, dinner, and a gift exchange, complete with a nap through Charlie Brown's Christmas at the end of the day.
We are truly blessed to have a God who loves us, who sent a savior in a human body to save humanity and draw us into a reconciled relationship with him. We haven enjoyed two Christmases in Alaska, and have loved sharing them with our Soldiers and Airmen. Damien (an Aircraft maintainer from Pittsburgh) is our dedicated dishwasher (you'd think it was an opportunity of a lifetime every time there are dishes to be done). He said to me over the sink after dinner, "If you can't be at home for Christmas, this is the next best place to be". And I could tell he was serous, not just using flattery. We celebrated Christmas with our family. While we all missed mom & dad, grandma & grandpa, and cousin Billy Bob, we were not without family this year.
Freezin' for a Reason