We got 'em all dressed up (by the way how are you supposed to get mittens and boots on those little things without snapping a wrist or ankle?) and outside we went. Our high hopes were limited to the plowed up snow pile across the street. That turned out to be plenty high enough.
The two girls are right around one, and have just learned to walk. I failed to realized that walking on hard ground is a fine accomplishment for a "toddler" and the balancing act that challenges even me on an icy driveway is unimaginable for those wobbly little legs! Okay, so they can't walk down the driveway, but surely once we get to the sidewalk the light powdery snow will be fine. Wrong. All kids do not love snow. Some kids hate snow. Hate it. It's not warm, it's not grass, it's not carpet, or a dog, and it's not food-- it is not fun.
But as you can see in the pictures above, despite all of my learning experiences we had a great time. We played with the sled, Devon tried walking and did much better than us bigger folks because he wasn't heavy enough to crush in the snow (the little elf).
Enjoying winter with increasing sunshine!
