(From: Wes)
It is hard to believe it has been a year since I have put on my military uniform. Nov. 18, 2006 marked the end of my enlistment in the Air Force and the beginning of my work full time with Cadence International. Many of you have helped me over the past year as I made this transition. I can not thank you enough for the few dollars here and there as well as the countless prayers. You were such a blessing to me
and now to us. I sent the following letter to those committed to regularly supported me financially over the last year. Now that Elaine and I gear up to head back out into the mission field next summer I want you all to see the impact everyone has had on my (
and now our) life.
Nov. 18, 2007 - One Year Today
To my financial supports,
I just want to start off by thanking you for all the dedication you have shown me over the past year! November 18 marks one year since I separated from the Air Force and began my work with Cadence International. If it weren't for you I would not have been able to do the ministry God has called me into. I am so thankful that I can hardly express it in words!
When I began asking for financial support from my friends and family I didn't realize what an impact it would have on my life. The graciousness you have shown me has been unfathomable. I originally asked for financial support while I fulfilled my one-year commitment to Cadence International. As that year has passed I can look back and see how God has used you and I as a team to reach people for his Kingdom. From the long talks with various Airmen about very serious problems and struggles, to raising over $7,000 in my community in England to donate to an orphanage in Romania, I have been part of a glorious Biblical community that has changed my life.
As you know I didn't necessarily complete what I had initially started out to do. I had planned on staying in England for a year working with Tim and
Rebecca Hawkins in their Hospitality ministry. When I came home in May 2005 to begin raising money to do all of this I had not yet met Elaine. So my original plan was to spend the following year alone ministering to those who are serving in England. As God would have it my plans changed as he graced me with my companion who is now my wife and partner in ministry. I had no idea when this all started that God would bless me in such an incredible way.
So as you know I left the field early this year to marry Elaine (May 26, 2007). When you made your commitment to me most of you had no idea that you would end up supporting my new family. Elaine and I both are so blessed by you.
But God was not done. God still allowed me to serve those in the military the only difference is the change in my location. I now work with Sailors at Great Lakes Naval Station and support Cadence from my apartment in Chicago. I also got to add a very important aspect to my life—a proper education. God has put me in the right place to supply my mind with good Biblical doctrine to share with people for the rest of my life. I am amazed how my mind has changed and how open I am to learning and growing. I am not the same person I was a year ago. This journey is just beginning and I can't wait to see where God sends us next!
As for our partnership I want you to know that it doesn't have to end. I still need committed supporters to help Elaine and I over the next few months work with Cadence and finish our degrees. We plan to hit the ground running after next May and pursue full time ministry. Cadence is working hard to find an assignment for us and we are praying that God will lead us.
Please pray for us and continue supporting us however you can. We both appreciate your commitment to us and look forward to sharing our lives with you. Please remember that our partnership will be used to the glory of the Kingdom of God. I think the Apostle Paul said it best, "May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you."
Wes and Elaine